Anytime you're around water of any kind there's the chance that tragedy can strike. The unfortunate reality of all drowning accidents is almost all of them could have been avoided. The following set of safety tips will help you anytime you and your friends or family are having a fun day at the pool, ocean or beach:
Ensure that you're never diving into water that's less than 9 feet in depth. Diving in any water that's less than this gives you far too great of a chance at a serious head/neck injury and potentially even death.
Never leave any young children unsupervised at any water location at home or elsewhere unattended, whether it be an at-home pool, the spa, the beach, and so on.
If you have a pool at home ensure that you're emptying all containers after you've used them immediately and store all others outside of any children's reach.
If you're unable to find your child ensure that you check the pool first and foremost – there may not be any time to spare.
Children who are under 14 years of age should never operate a watercraft of any kind.
When on a boat ensure that you only and always wear a PFD that's United States Coastguard approved. You should also do this whenever you're near an open body of water or even when you're participating in any water sports. Any air-filled swimming aid, e.g. – "water wings" aren't considered a safety device and isn't anywhere a substitute for a PFD.
Enroll all children in a swimming lesson that's taught by an instructor who is certified. Along with that though, you should never make the assumption that once your children have had swimming lessons they are "drowning proof" as there is no substitute for an active adult supervising children who are around water or swimming.
Keep rescue equipment and learn CPR. Always have a telephone and the emergency numbers right at the poolside so they're in close proximity should a drowning accident occur.
Around a spa or home pool install isolation fencing that surrounds all four sides. Make sure that the fence is no less than 5 feet in height and has self-latching and self-closing gates. The fencing completion is to prevent any direct access from the yard or house. Never leave toys around or in the pool and never prop the gate open allowing access into the pool barrier.
Contact a Drowning Lawyer at The Doan Law Firm Today
In times that a drowning accident leads to death you may be entitled to compensation for your loss. Contact The Doan Law Firm today for a free, no-obligation initial consultation. During your free initial consultation, we'll discuss all of the merits of your case, as well as the best path forward. Should we mutually move forward we will do so on a contingently. What this means is that you'll pay us no upfront fees, nor any fees throughout the duration of your case. We only earn our fee through a successful verdict or settlement on your drowning accident case. There's no fee unless we win, if we fail to win you'll never owe us a dime.
If you've been injured in a drowning accident or someone you know has been either injured or killed contact The Doan Law Firm anytime day or night, 24/7/365, no matter the time of day or holiday at (800) 284-5983.