Wintertime Vacations: Resorts, Waterparks, and the Real Risk of Drowning Accidents

Swimming pools are a popular amenity found at many hotels and resorts, providing guests with an enjoyable way to relax and cool off during the summer – and winter – months. As such, understanding the risks associated with swimming in a hotel pool is important for both guests and staff alike. The Doan Law Firm has long been a leader in protecting the legal rights of resort and waterpark drowning accident victims, including parents of children who lose their lives each winter in these types of catastrophic incidents.

Resort and Waterpark Drowning Accident Stats and Facts

According to research conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 10 percent of hotel or resort swimming pool fatalities occur during wintertime months. The National Safety Council estimates that around 4500 people of all ages suffer non-fatal injuries due to swimming pool accidents every year – with children aged under five being particularly vulnerable to drowning incidents. Shockingly, statistics indicate that more than half of all drowning cases involving young children are linked back to pools at hotels and resorts in addition to hotel and resort properties.

Waterpark drowning accidents are another tragic reality that every year claims the life of children and adults alike. Statistics provided by the World Health Organization indicate that at least 1,000 people drown in waterparks every year worldwide. The vast majority of waterpark drowning accident drowning deaths occur among children. In the United States, it is estimated 10 waterpark drowning accidents occur annually in the country, nearly all of them children.

In addition to this risk posed by drowning incidents, there are other potential risks associated with swimming in a hotel pool during wintertime vacations. For example, certain bacteria may thrive in warmer waters which can lead to infections such as gastroenteritis if proper hygiene precautions are not taken. Similarly, swimmers may be exposed to higher concentrations of chlorine due to colder water temperatures making it difficult for chemical reactions to take place efficiently.

Protecting Wintertime Vacationers from Risk of Waterpark and Resort Drowning Accidents

Resort and waterpark owners and operators across the United States have a legal duty to ensure that swimming pools are always in a reasonably safe condition. These popular wintertime travel destinations have an established legal obligation that transcends guests having an enjoyable holiday. They have a legal mandate to ensure that their guests have a safe experience when using a hotel or resort’s swimming facilities. The same holds equally true for waterparks.

Resort pool facility negligence includes alarmingly common failures that include:

  • Failure to identify the shallow and deep ends of a resort swimming pool
  • Failure to have emergency flotation or other rescue devices at the pool area
  • Failure to maintain other necessary emergency devices at the pool area
  • Insecure coverings on swimming pool drains

Added to the list at waterparks are additional recurring failings creating dangerous situations for patrons that include:

  • Inadequate lifeguard staffing
  • Inadequate lifeguard training is necessary to respond to water-related emergencies

Waterpark and Resort Swimming Pool Injuries Beyond Drowning

The risk of a wintertime drowning accident at a resort or waterpark is not the only type of danger vacationers are exposed to when visiting one of these types of properties. Nearly every winter season, a guest at a resort or waterpark is exposed to some sort of dangerous pathogen in the water or elsewhere in a facility. These pathogens have the potential to cause very serious illness and even death.

Your Rights After a Wintertime Waterpark or Resort Drowning Accident (or Other Incident)

A Doan Law Firm waterpark injury and hotel swimming pool drowning accident lawyer can be reached by calling (800) 349-0000. We keep our waterpark injury and hotel swimming pool drowning accident lawyer telephone line staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, understanding that these types of aquatic accidents don’t take a day off. This includes each and every wintertime holiday – Christmas, New Year’s, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, Kwanza, and so forth.

We can schedule an initial consultation for you with an experienced, dedicated hotel swimming pool drowning accident attorney at any one of our 40 offices located across the country, including near resorts in Florida, California, New York, Texas, Colorado, and other states. An online case evaluation can also be arranged. There is no charge for an initial consultation.

Doan Law Firm Attorney Fee Guarantee

The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. Our firm will never charge an attorney fee unless we win your case for you. Our hotel swimming pool drowning accident lawyer team will fight tirelessly for justice, accountability, and the compensation you deserve in your case.
